More Than Stem Community

About US

This is a place where WOC in STEM fields gain empowerment. You don't have to give up on your dreams or settle for less after working hard to achieve your academic goals.

Career Development
Interpersonal Skills
C.V. to Winning Resume
Salary Negotiation
exit strategy
Science community

Our Values


We know that the journey is better together.


Strength comes from enduring bonds.


No one has to navigate  alone.

About Tracey Thomas

My STEM career has not been easy, but it has been an amazing journey. My first laboratory job was in a microbiology lab when I was 18 years old. My father had just passed after suffering from cancer and I remained home to be with my mom instead of returning to school that semester. I needed a job badly so I made a few calls to the local university to ask what was available. The administrator I spoke with sent me to interview with the PI of a laboratory, who I found out later was expecting a graduate student. Needless to say, the interview was rocky but he sent me home with five biology text books and instructed me not to come back until I read them all. I returned the next day - and that day, he placed me in a lab to work on my very first lab project.

This is who I am - if there is a hint of a challenge, I'm up for it! That lab experience was pivotal in my career and the start of my STEM journey which has both giveth and taketh away, inspired me and left me feeling burned out. I have mentored girls, college students, and young professionals for years in STEM areas and always encourage them to consider this area - it has so much to offer and I've gained much from the field. I work with people who are passionate about solving problems, have traveled to interesting places, and have influenced policy. I have an opportunity to be creative and be a part of the solution which I love. At times, though, my STEM career has been personally and emotionally challenging. 

I graduated with an undergraduate degree in biology, received a doctorate in cell and molecular biology, and completed postdoctoral training in molecular virology and immunology where I studied the molecular mechanisms of HIV infection. By the time I completed my postdoc, I had already logged 13 years of performing research at the bench and I experienced bench-work burnout. I didn’t have a community with whom I could share challenges, swap stories, and discuss best practices for STEM career decisions. Eventually, I applied for and was awarded a science policy fellowship and worked in Washington, DC for two years a science policy fellow. 
Towards the end of my fellowship, I faced many decisions - do I return to the bench to conduct research in academia, continue to work in science policy, or chart another course? Although I considered a full-time position in science policy, I decided to chart another course and joined a team of scientists supporting defense projects. 

I experienced career ups and downs and desperately wanted a supportive community that understood my dilemmas, challenges, and my journey. I also needed advice – from women who knew my struggles! The
statistics of WOC being under-represented in STEM resonated loudly with me. I realized that to address this  pipeline issue frequently referenced, we need to do more than get WOC into the pipeline, we need to advocate for, empower, and support WOC! If you have questions about your career or concerns on your next steps, you are in the right place! 
Welcome to More Than Stem …let’s do this!

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Walk through the A to Z of everything you need to know about succeeding in the STEM field - from pay, work style, projects, example companies, and standing out.

Sometimes you need to chat through your unique situation and get one on one guided advice on how to navigate the next step or navigate an opportunity.

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